Obsessive Apocalyptic Speculation

My advice regarding regarding Tony Pearce and all prophet-reading-the-signs-of-the-endtimes-into-current-world-events types

There is a brand of ministries after the style of Tony Pearce which is not new but might have a massive resurgence in the current crises which revels in End Time speculation. These ministries are especially prevalent in the US and have massive global followings.

They have a particular brand of end-time theology which is called pre-tribulation rapture dispensationalism. This is the idea that the saints will be ‘secretly raptured’ before the world undergoes a massive tribulation (troubles and suffering).

This particular brand of end-time theology is fringe and does not reflect the theology of historical Christianity. The notion of a ‘secret rapture’ is patently unbiblical (see this article for more details https://michaeldoffay.wordpress.com/2015/11/12/being-left-behind/).

Apart from being theologically unsound, what is very unhelpful with these ministries is that they obsess over speculation into current world events and are constantly reading end-time imagery from Revelation and other apocalyptic literature into current world events despite having a long history of getting these interpretations and predictions wrong (see this link for details https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Rapture).

Andrew Selley has recorded a very pertinent word for the trend among Christians to indulge highly speculative conspiracy theories which incorporate end-time interpretations and predictions (find link here – https://www.facebook.com/andrewselley.official/videos/239170953871490/).

This preoccupation with speculation and apocalyptic guesswork feeds into our carnal desires to feel ‘enlightened’ and ‘in the know’ but it does nothing to cultivate true holiness and intimacy with Christ.

With regard to Tony Pearce’s Light for the last days ministry, he is guilty of much of the same in his articles and I have taken some time to highlight a few of these aspects below (taken from https://lightforthelastdays.co.uk/articles/christianity-and-the-last-days/signs-of-the-times-11th-march-2020/):

Makes frequent reference to popular (and unconfirmed) conspiracy theories

“Some are saying that China deliberately created the crisis, using a virus manufactured in its bio lab in Wuhan”

“The crisis is already being used to push the world in the direction of global government.”

“Under the guise of the coronavirus pandemic, power is being seized within the United States, and it will not be returned to the people. If the United States falls, the whole world will fall, and a new world order will emerge from the ashes.”

His language is typical of the fringe pre-tribulation dispensationalism and he indulges heavily in reading end-time imagery and language into current world events –

“at which point Jesus will return to the earth, destroy the beast and set up His Messianic kingdom bringing peace and justice to the earth in His 1000 year reign on earth.”

“We are not yet in the Great Tribulation, but the present unfolding of world events is leading towards that final seven year period described in the Biblical books of Daniel and Revelation.”

“All this means we must be ready for the moment of our death or the rapture of the church when the Lord will take to Himself, those who believe the Gospel.”

“I was struck by the parallels between the Book of Lamentations and the Coronavirus crisis hitting our society.”

“I wonder if it is part of the antichrist programme to suppress Christianity in the last days.”

“If this continues in the end it is inevitable that the financial system will collapse and the government will have to end up printing money leading to inflation and poverty.”

“Right around the world there are also natural disasters meaning shortages of food will be a growing feature of our time, something which the Bible prophesies for the last days”